
If you are a girl her your twenties you probably have had one of those days where everything is incredibly frustrating and so wrong that when you walk into your apartment all you do is rant on and on like word vomit for 15 minutes.  Well, we have all been there and in my apartment this happens on a daily basis.  So I thought I’d give my audience a little backstage VIP glimpse into one of these manic episodes because they are incredibly hilarious and impossible to understand without witnessing.

Background: One of my roommates spent the entire day “third wheeling” with her boyfriend and his uncle’s friends daughter who he was told to tour around Boston. As a girl friend this sounds like the least fun thing to do, but are you really not going to go if your boyfriend is practically on a date with another woman??? no. So she went. And it was about as miserable as it sounds!

As a result of such a day my roommate came storming into the apartment and went on to create this lovely sermon about the day from hell. Enjoy!





Final thoughts…

“Relationships often lead to fighting, a lot of fighting. I still weigh the pros and cons on that.”

“ranting is healthy, LET IT ALL OUT BABY”


“I cant control when I use the word LIKE okay?!”

Vocabulary lesson: Hipster

Today I am going to talk about “hipsters.”  According to urban dictionary hipsters are…

“a subculture of men and women typically in their 20’s and 30’s that value independent thinking, counter-culture, progressive politics, an appreciation of art and indie-rock, creativity, intelligence, and witty banter.”

The irony of the entire thing to me is that my generation is trying to hard to be different and unique that they are virtually all the same.  I mean come on, the entire idea of not being mainstream has created an entirely new form of mainstream.  I thought this would just be a fad, but there are still some individuals clinging to this self-identity crisis.

The other concept about this “clique” is how one shouldn’t care about what others think or perceive them as, yet they are trying so hard to impress other hipsters with fashion and music choice.  I mean as an outsider looking in it is hilarious to me how hard some of these people try to break away from average or mainstream that it is essentially the same as people trying to be cool in high school and hang out with the popular kids.

Hipsters have basically morphed into a group of stuck-up rich kids who think they are better than everybody else because everybody else is too mainstream or basic. This probably derived from own personal insecurity about being normal.


Based upon these frustrations I have come up with a list of items that mean you might be a hipster, so YOU MIGHT BE A HIPSTER IF…

1. you drink PBR’s on patios of restaurants that sell $12 tacos

2. you resist saying “their older stuff is better” when someone comments on a new song they like

3. your glasses (real or fake) are chunky and consume a large portion of your face on purpose

4. you live in a really expensive apartment that your parents pay for in a trendy neighborhood that appears dirty but is actually expensive. i.e. East Village, Manhattan

5. you own a pair of pastel doc martins

6. your apartment has at least one coffee table book or bathroom read with artistic/pornographic photos

7. you claim to hate american apparel, but your daily outfits look like you stepped out of the catalog

8. following off that, you own several flannels in different color families and for different seasons: thinner in summer and thicker in winter

9. you smoke cigarettes even though you are from well-off family who would be pissed to find out

10. you annoy the hell out of everyone around you, including other hipsters.

Final thought: I do not hate you because you are a hipster, you are a hipster because I hate you.

People you see on the Street of NYC.

Today I spent an entire day 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. guarding a moving truck on the streets of Manhattan while my older brother moved from one apartment to another. Next to the truck on one side was a bar with open windows watching the World Cup and the other constant traffic.

The World Cup is huge here. I mean huge, multiple bars and restaurants on every block of the city are airing games and drink specials. Most people I know who have been watching the games are just jumping on the band wagon, but these people in NY are truly from these countries and follow the sport. It’s amazing how many people here are into it. Mostly Latin and South Americans have been at this bar, but I do enjoy their cursing in whichever language and spirit.  My favorite part of the World Cup is probably the attractiveness of the players and excuse for happy hours around the game.

Other people I have had the pleasure of watching include hipsters, Hasidic Jews, Asians, cab drivers, japs (that’s slang for Jewish American princess. not Japanese) and all kinds of walks of life. It’s truly been an eye opening day. Currently as I write this a girl is crying on her door step with parents and bags packed, why who knows ??? (By girl I mean at least teenager age).

I also saw a homeless man who was truly down on his luck, I mean he had no shirt on but a winter jacket open and lesions. But as he walked toward me another man gave him a slice of pizza. Rare moments like these restore faith in humanity. Most homeless people in New York get overlooked. I personally find many to be scary by the creepy way they tend to stare as I walk by. The man with pizza was obviously better person than myself at that moment.

Furthermore, a van with two hoarders just parked in front me. What is this??? Holy sh*t.

photo 1

Anyways, I learned that moving in New York City is an experience like no other.  Words of advice… pay the 1 billion dollars and hire help.  This was exhausting.

Final thoughts…

“shortly after this was written I witnessed a homeless man literally crap in the middle of the street (27th and 2nd) in broad daylight…will never be able to burn that mental image.”

“…ever notice how people from New York refer to other cities in the country as towns. LOL I did it today when a man asked me how I liked Boston… my response: Its a nice TOWN.”                                                                                            (Didn’t even realize i was doing that, but kinda funny)

Here is the view from our hotel rooftop. Marcel Gramercy, pretty nice. I recommend it.

3rd Avenue.

3rd Avenue.

What your Hometown Says About You.

Being in the college world for over three years now, I have met people from places all over the world. I never thought much about it before college, came from a city in upstate NY where everyone who lived there is from there. I mean no one has love for Buffalo, NY unless they have some weird emotional attachment to the area such as growing up there or food addiction. I digress. Anyways, thought I would share some of my opinions and see if anyone else out there feels the same.

Perhaps one of the biggest debates out there is east coast vs. west coast. If I hear one more LA biddie say “west coast, best coast” idk what I’ll do. I mean if that’s truly the best coast then why the hell did you come all the way to the east coast to get an education, and potentially build foundation for your career. I’ll tell you why; either this is some vacation for you, “college experience in Boston,” or no one takes education seriously in the city of want to be actors, screenwriters, and singers. I understand it’s a personal preference which lifestyle you like better, but to me living in a world of implants and overpriced food from whole foods seems ridiculous (wegmans upstate NY fan of course).


The little digs each region of this country makes at others are hilarious. The other day I sat in a history class in which the professor asked if any of the students were from the south. (He was about to comment on the civil war) When no one raised their hand, he made a wise crack saying “bunch of north-east elitists in here, great!” Now, he is not from this country, he is Danish. (that means Denmark for the slower crowd reading this) I found it a hilarious observation coming from an outsider of this country looking in. I remember my friend from home moved to the south for his senior year of high school, when he visited the north again we asked if they taught “the war of northern aggression.”

My apartment is filled with 3 girls from different areas of the country which can be an interesting, but overall leads to a great dynamic. One of the girls is from Florida, the sunshine state. As you would suspect, this elderly slow-moving state matches her chill, relaxed personality. Another is from Connecticut, very typical New England high-strong don’t take crap from anybody personality. And last but not least, I myself am from Buffalo, NY. Many people don’t know where this is, but basically Niagara Falls is in my backyard. Anyways, this town is known for a mix of north-east and mid-west personalities with a zero tolerance for bullshit. We are also the laughing stock of the NFL community, home to the Buffalo Bills.

I could go on and on about the international community at BU, but I will save that for another time. As always, I leave you with some final thoughts to ponder…

“Is a coca-cola “pop” or “soda” to you?”

“Is the best city in the U.S. New York or L.A.? (careful with that one)”

And…”here is a picture of Time Magazine’s human of the future, when races no longer exist (is this relevant?? not sure, but I find it interesting)”



You Did Not Eat That.

As a girl I find eating disorders incredibly frustrating. Yes, I am aware of societal pressures to be unbelievably thin, and it is sad that girls go through these extreme measures to look like “bobble-heads.”  To me it doesn’t look good, but hey to each their own. Anyways, what has become even more frustrating is the pictures girls now put on Instagram and other social media of them with food. Not healthy food either, its cakes, cookies, ice cream, burgers, fries, pizza, you name your favorite junk food and their is some skinny b*tch taking a picture of it for Instagram.

The funny part is I am not the only one who has caught onto this, check out the Instagram account youdidnoteatthat. I mean honestly, to the 90-pound girl soaking wet taking a photo with burger as big as her head, you did not eat that.  You say so what, let them do what they want?


But as a girl of similar age to most of those posting these pictures, I find this incredibly frustrating!! A. I love to eat and am such a foodie, so someone lying about eating food seems ridiculous to me. B. The fact that girls feel the need to put up pictures of them with food to refute eating disorder rumors is insane. Taking it to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL. And lastly, C. This is messing up other girls so much more because now they hate themselves and believe skinny girls can eat this stuff and “get away” with cheating on diets while they cant.

I think this is one of the biggest issues for girls my age, and even for life: weight and appearance. Thought I’d share some of my personal views, and always leave you with some final thoughts.

“Ever noticed girls at the gym who you were scared they’d collapse on the treadmill in front of you??? (I have totally distracting and scary)

“carbs are my favorite food”

“an occasional juice cleanse does not an anorexic make…”


PSA: for the “boys” of the world

After this weekends exciting events I thought I’d write this micro-post out of frustration with the opposite sex.  The unwelcome advances of touching and “cat-calling” are not cool nor okay. I have two examples from this weekend, just thought I’d share them and see if anyone else has similar issues.

Friday night: I go to a country concert. Country concerts, although home to many drunk hillbillies, are usually pretty safe environments.  I go with a group of girl friends and am dressed in a sweater, sneakers, and shorts. (nothing scandalous). As I am waiting in line at the concessions for a bud light, because a country concert would not be complete without 24oz bud light, I am a victim of the “drive-by grab-asser.” What is this you ask? Some scum of the earth, who I have never met before, grabs me and then darts by.  The worst part is that by the time I turned around to yell at him or push him (violent side but only with guys who are a$$holes) he is already 15 feet away, and I my only option is to flick him off as he turns around to see if I saw him.

Moral of the story is: when the F did this become okay?

Sunday broad daylight: My cousin and I (both 21 yrs old) go to a street festival with our family. It is about 2 in the afternoon, huge crowds and beautiful out.  Now a little background, my cousin is beautiful but she is also very petite and young looking (struggles to get into bars kind of girl).  Anyways, we are walking down the road when a boy, who I presume no older than 17 says “hey” to her, in an immature pric kind of way.  I ask her if she knows him, and she just shakes her head and is like no…happens all the time tho.  What is the point in that?? Why are you walking by a girl and feel the need to say something to complete stranger with no intention of stopping and having a conversation.

Moral of the story is: GROW UP

Anyways, like most of my posts I thoroughly enjoy ranting about the ignorance of individuals. I leave you with some final thoughts…

“Is the south only place where one can meet a man who is polite??”

“At what age do men figure it out and grow the F up, I am betting never.”

And lastly,

“There will never be an appropriate time to grab a girl’s behind if in public. EVER.”

What your Wine choice says about You.

If you live in a home filled with other women you will realize the copious amounts of wine purchased and consumed. Why? Because wine is how girls say “ahhhh” after a long day or “woohooo” on Friday and Saturday night.  After living with different roomies who drink different types of wine, I thought I would decode what each type of wine says about the devotee.  Oh, and sorry boys but this is only for girls considering most guys I know drink just about everything.

1. Pino Grigio

Your basic b*tch drinks Pino.  Its an easy go to, sweet and light, and no to mention Real Housewives of NY Ramona Singer’s favorite. If you are a senior in college who stays in on Friday nights in velour sweatpants you probably drink Pino. Lets just say its redeeming quality is it gets you drunk. Those who order Pino will probably order salmon or chicken as well. #boring.


2. Sauvignon Blanc

Huh huh. Sauvignon Blanc, if you have the balls to order it because of difficult pronunciation, says I am sophisticated but still sexy.  Most girls who drink Sauvignon Blanc are trying to appear cooler than they are, even though underneath they are probably still basic. However, the wine is a good choice, and I do order it from time to time.

3. Moscato

This sugary wine isn’t wine at all, but juice.  If you enjoy Moscato you are definitely not a wine drinker. Moscato is for the girl who barely touches her salad during dinner, but then orders the chocolate cake for dessert. Her personality is probably as sweet, and with little substance, as her wine glass.

4. Chardonnay

Chardonnay is for sassy and snarky biddies.  True wine drinkers commit to the full body and oaky flavor of Chardonnay. You most likely are in a committed relationship with Kendall Jackson. When someone tells you they don’t like wine, you shake your head and think “peasants.” Don’t mess with a girl who drinks Chardonnay Bro’s, she doesn’t mess around.

5. Red

(because they all pretty much mean same thing)

Red wine screams I want to be Olivia Pope from Scandal. You are currently sitting on my couch in silk pajamas hoping your Fitz calls (texts) at any moment. Red says I like Italian food, or at least pretend to.  Most red wine devotees deeply care about what other people think, you are probably second guessing yourself as you read this.


6. Franzia

Boxed wine. I am here to slap the bag and get drunk. #wherethejunglejuiceat?

The Magic of Law and Order: SVU

If you have never seen an episode of Law and Order: SVU, you either don’t have cable or should feel ashamed because you are missing out on one of the best shows to ever hit television.  Don’t worry though, thanks to our lovely friends over at USA you can catch up with the daily marathons.  In our apartment, days at home are filled with the SVU in the background and singing of the iconic theme song.

In honor of our love for the show, and its ability to consume five hours of your day without you realizing, I have decided to do a ranking of my favorite Olivia Benson hairstyles.  The show has run now for 11 seasons, and if you are a true fan you can recognize what season you are watching from Detective Benson hairstyles.  So here we go, from best to worst….

#1 goes out to Season 6.




#3 ties for the most recent seasons (they are virtually the same)

season10 season11

#4 the original hairstyle of season 1




#6 and then they begin to turn for the worse…




#8 the mom cut of season 3


#9 this elementary style shoulder length with bangs cut was almost last.


#10 but obv. season 2 took the cake.


If you don’t believe in the power of SVU I highly recommend checking out these buzzfeed articles that couldn’t be more accurate.




lack of SEX in a college CITY

I decided to write this post in honor of my female peers frustrated with the “hook-up generation” we are forced to live in. If you’re like me, a pretty smart girl, who didn’t go to college at some major state school, and choose to pursue a legitimate career using your actual brain, then you probably came to college expecting to meet a decent guy or several by time you graduate. Perhaps its the fact that BU has a 60:40 girl to guy ratio and of the 40% of guys half are gay, but here I am going into senior without meeting anyone of significance.

Before you get all up on my case, yes I have put myself out there. I am affiliated with a greek organization, have been to several other schools in the area for parties, and am not a weirdly super religious freak ok? That being said, I feel as though the BOYS of college are going to get away with casual sex and no real commitments for as long as they can.

I mean on a complete side note, last night I rented That Awkward Moment starring Zac Efron, Miles Teller and Michael B. Jordan (from FNL) it was pretty decent flick I recommend it. But my point is this movie starred a bunch of guys living in New York City in their late twenties who were still avoiding relationships at all costs. They even describe a roster of girls they aim to build in order to have casual sex without pursuing any real relationships. I rest my case.

Zac Efron killing it.

Zac Efron killing it.

A friend of mine told me they rejoined tinder on Monday as we watched the Bachelorette. From which my roommate and I told her that Tinder has evolved to simply finding one night stands. She said she didn’t intend to meet up with anyone, it just makes her feel better and is entertaining to reject and accept guys.

This generation has created an entirely messed up dating world. I remember my mom naively saying oh yeah shoot so and so a text and you guys can “hook-up” later, she learned soon after this terms secondary implications. Anyways, as I always do, I wrap up my post about the hook-up generation with some final unanswered thoughts

“should girls not expect a serious relationship until their late twenties?”

“how many rosters are you on right now…”

Next time you come home from school and your mom asks “Do you have a boyfriend yet???” show her this post.